Tips for Parents

November 18, 2016


Sometimes, the helpful answer is 'No'

Parents strive to give their children everything they need. But everything they want? That's a different story. Sometimes, saying "no" encourages resourcefulness and helps kids learn to solve problems for themselves. Children must learn to occupy themselves and settle their own disagreements. They must do their own homework. Saying "no" to doing these things for them helps them stand on their own feet.

Decide on consequences before the rule is broken

When your child breaks the rules, you have to take action. But it's best if your child knows the consequences before the rule is broken. For example, "If you don't do your homework, you won't be able to watch TV that night." Establishing limits and consequences in advance keeps your child from feeling picked on, and makes it easier for her to accept that the punishment is fair.

Put family history on the menu this holiday season

Holidays offer your child a great chance to learn and spend time with family. So plan some activities that everyone can share. For example, your child can learn more about family history by interviewing older relatives. He might ask about their arrival in this country, or about unusual experiences they've had. If he won't be seeing family this holiday season, help your child write his questions down in a letter.

A debate game helps your child see both sides

There's usually more than one side to an issue. To help your child practice seeing the pros and cons of an argument, play a debate game. Throw out a statement, such as "Homework should be banned forever." Ask your child to think of all the reasons she can to support her opinion on the subject. Then ask her to think of all the reasons against it. Discuss both sides as a family. Which views were more convincing?

Help your child see the good in others

Young children are naturally self-centered. But you can help your child grow out of this. Encourage him to compliment at least one person at school each day. Explain that his compliments should be sincere, so he'll have to look for good things his friends and teachers do. Each evening, ask your child who he complimented and why.

To pass the time, find words that rhyme

Rhyming games help children increase their vocabularies and general knowledge. And they are easy to play anywhere! If your child is trying to learn the names of the states, for example, say, "I'm thinking of a state that rhymes with plane. What is it?" (Maine). Take turns asking the questions. Or try making rhymes for words on your child's spelling list. Having fun with words develops your child's love of language.

Build your child's enthusiasm for writing

There are lots of ways to help your child think of writing as special and fun. You can give her a supply of interesting paper, and pens in different widths and colors. Or help her make her own stationery on the computer, and encourage her to use it to write thank you notes or letters to relatives. Display samples of your child's writing on a family bulletin board. It sends the message, "I believe you are a writer."

Some daily tips! 
Try one new tip each day! 


Elementary English

Monday, October 3, 2016

Mistakes happen. Show your child how you learn from yours

Mistakes can be great teachers. To help your child learn from her mistakes, set an example. If you lose your temper, for example, or forget to do something you should have done, be honest and say, "I blew it." Then talk about what you could have done differently. Make amends if you can. Your child will learn that you take responsibility for your mistakes, and that will make it easier for her to do the same thing.

Measure your child's way to math skills

Measuring things around the house can be a fun way to teach your child two important math skills: calculating exact amounts and estimating. Give your child a teaspoon, for example, and ask him to estimate how many teaspoons of water would fill one cup, then check. Or have him measure how long his shoe is, then estimate how many shoes wide his room is. What would that be in inches?

Get creative with sight words

Does your child have difficulty learning "sight words" (words she should recognize on sight)? Help her turn her word list into a piece of creative writing. Each week, make up two characters and an opening sentence. "A child and a chicken strolled to the store…." Have your child write the rest of the story using her word list. Creating the story will help your child put the words into context.

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Write facts to remember on an 'inner message board'

When your child has to memorize something, teach him to make an "inner message board." Have him imagine writing what he needs to remember on the board. Then have him close his eyes and see the board clearly. When he has to remember the facts again, he can close his eyes and "see" what he wrote.

How to help with homework? Keep an eye on it

Children get more out of homework when parents monitor their efforts. Each day, take some time to review your child's homework. Is it neat? Complete? Ask your child to explain anything you don't understand. It will help you know if she understands it. Together, double-check her assignment book to make sure she has done everything.

Help make your child's sports experience positive

Athletics teach kids lots of lessons, from sportsmanship to determination. To help your child benefit from sports, look for one he enjoys. Often, this means a sport his friends are playing. If it's a team sport, remind him that his teammates will count on him. Don't correct your child; leave the coaching to the coach. Instead, help your child see that it's fun to be fit and that winning is just an extra bonus.

A family guessing game is a fun way to discuss the day

If you feel that getting details from your child about her school day is like pulling teeth, try this game to get your family talking. At dinner, have each person tell three things about their day: two that really happened and one that is made up. Family members get to ask questions, then decide which story is false. Or tell about three true events, and everyone can guess which event was the speaker's favorite.



Elementary Spanish

Monday, October 3, 2016

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Todos cometemos errores. Enséñele a su hijo a aprender de ellos -

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Todos cometemos errores. Enséñele a su hijo a aprender de ellos

Los errores pueden ser excelentes herramientas de aprendizaje. Para ayudar a su hijo a aprender de sus errores, dele un buen ejemplo. Si pierde los estribos o se olvida de hacer algo, sea honesto y diga, "Me equivoqué". Luego mencione lo que podría haber hecho de manera diferente. De ser posible, corrija su error. Su hijo verá que usted asume responsabilidad por sus errores, y le resultará más fácil hacer esto él también.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

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Practiquen las medidas y los cálculos aproximados -

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Practiquen las medidas y los cálculos aproximados

Medir objetos que hay en su hogar puede ser una estupenda manera de enseñarle a su hijo dos habilidades matemáticas importantes: calcular cantidades exactas y hacer cálculos aproximados. Por ejemplo, dele una cucharita y dígale que calcule cuántas cucharitas de agua se necesitan para llenar una taza; luego verifíquenlo. O dígale que mida el largo de su zapato y calcule cuántos zapatos entran a lo ancho de su dormitorio. ¿A cuántas pulgadas equivaldría esa distancia?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

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Sea creativo para enseñar palabras reconocibles a simple vista -

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Sea creativo para enseñar palabras reconocibles a simple vista

¿Acaso su hijo tiene dificultad para aprender las palabras reconocibles a simple vista? Ayúdelo a convertir su lista de palabras en una creación literaria. Cada semana, invente uno o dos personajes y una oración de apertura. "Un niño y una gallina fueron de paseo a la tienda…". Dígale a su hijo que escriba el resto de la historia usando la lista de palabras. Narrar una historia lo ayudará a poner las palabras en contexto.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

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Escriba en una 'pizarra interna' la información que debe recordar -

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Escriba en una 'pizarra interna' la información que debe recordar

Cuando su hijo tenga que memorizar información, enséñele a hacer una "pizarra interna". Dígale que se imagine a sí mismo escribiendo en la pizarra lo que tenga que memorizar. Luego pídale que cierre los ojos y observe la pizarra cuidadosamente. De este modo, cuando tenga que recordar la información de nuevo, puede cerrar sus ojos y "ver" lo que escribió.

Friday, October 7, 2016

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Para ayudar a su hijo con la tarea, supervísela -

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Para ayudar a su hijo con la tarea, supervísela

Los niños aprovechan mejor la tarea si sus padres supervisan su esfuerzo. Por eso, reserve algo de tiempo cada día para revisar la tarea de su hijo. ¿Está escrita de forma clara? ¿Está completa? Pídale que le explique cualquier punto que no entienda. Esto lo ayudará a determinar si él la comprende. Juntos, vuelvan a revisar el trabajo para verificar que lo haya hecho en su totalidad.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

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Ayude a que la experiencia deportiva de su hijo sea positiva -

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Ayude a que la experiencia deportiva de su hijo sea positiva

Los deportes pueden enseñar muchas lecciones, desde espíritu deportivo hasta determinación. Para ayudar a su hijo a beneficiarse de los deportes, busque uno que le interese. Probablemente escoja alguno que sus amigos también practican. Si el deporte se juega en equipo, recuérdele que sus compañeros cuentan con él. No lo corrija; deje que el entrenador haga su trabajo. En cambio, ayúdelo a ver que mantenerse en forma es divertido y que ganar es simplemente un bonus extra.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

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Pruebe este divertido juego adivinanzas para hablar del día en familia -

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Pruebe este divertido juego adivinanzas para hablar del día en familia

Si es casi imposible sacarle una palabra a su hijo cuando le pregunta sobre su día, pruebe este juego para que toda la familia converse. Durante la cena, pídale a cada persona que cuente tres hechos sobre su día: dos que realmente hayan sucedido y uno inventado. Los miembros familiares deben hacer preguntas y luego determinar cuál es el hecho falso. O cada uno puede contar tres hechos y los demás deben adivinar cuál fue el favorito de esa persona.