Activities » Activities


Temple ISD offers classroom instruction based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The TEKS are the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) includes the following as part of the enrichment curriculum for elementary students: Fine Arts, Health Education, Physical Education, and Technology Applications.


In TISD, elementary students study Music and Art. They regularly attend physical education classes. Students also learn about technology in their computer lab time. Health education is taught as part of the PE curriculum.

Physical Education ( Chelsea Goff & Grace Mungia ) 

TISD elementary schools offer a planned, sequential K-5 curriculum that provides cognitive content and learning experiences in a variety of activity areas such as basic movement skills; physical fitness; rhythms and dance; and games.  The Physical Education program in TISD promotes each student's optimum physical, mental, emotional, and social development.

Music ( Mr. Rodriguez ) 

Music for elementary-age students in Temple ISD is offered at all campuses. Music teachers use a curriculum based on Kodaly Methodology for their scope and sequence as they address the Fine Arts Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills at each grade level, kindergarten through grade 1. The classroom musical experience ranges from choral singing in unison to singing in parts, vocal coaching to solo performance, singing games to reading music, expressive movement to dance, and theatrical performance.

All music classrooms in Temple ISD are equipped with Orff instruments, from simple hand drums, triangles, and tambourines to various xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels. These instruments are used for the purpose of instruction as well as for performance. Some teachers expand the instrumental experience with lessons in recorder or guitar. All campuses offer students at the 5th-grade level the opportunity to learn how to play string instruments--the violin, the viola, and the cello.

TISD believes the education of the whole child is important and promotes the blending of all disciplines, academic, athletic, and aesthetic.

Art ( Victoria Harvey ) 

Raye-Allen Elementary art will focus on skills in art and build what we learned last year to a higher level of learning and creativity.   We will demonstrate creativity using the elements and principles of art using various media, and incorporating other education disciplines.  We will be able to use our imagination and have fun.  Secondly, we will be presenting artwork for exhibition at the CAC this year and will have an art gallery in our school to show students art work.  

Librarian ( Dr. Horony ) 

We are so fortunate at Raye-Allen Elementary to have a beautiful library filled with many wonderful books.  Our collection includes over 11,000 books.  There is something for each of our students to read, to learn and to enjoy in our library.  The desire is for all of our Raye-Allen students to become life-long readers.  Please come by and take a look. 


I look forward to seeing you in the Raye-Allen Library.






Chelsea Goff- PE 

Grace Mungia- PE Aide

Mateo Rodriguez- Music

Victoria Harvey-  Art 

Dr. Horony- Librarian